The Tao of Sunday

This afternoon, I am not in my office. I am on the back porch watching David do the lawn. He’s almost done, but we had the funniest conversation this morning. We were talking about duets we could sing together, and he asked me if I knew “Closer to Fine.” I said, “you can tell by looking at me that I know ‘Closer to Fine.'” Right on cue, he said, “well, I didn’t want to assume.” He cracks me up all the time, and I’m glad we’re in the process of becoming friends. He is a solid dude, and I would like to believe that we are good for each other. I can’t speak for him, but think it’s working out beautifully. We’re two introverts who like our own space yet together because neither of us feel lonely.

We’ve been talking about music nonstop. I suggested the Lakme Duet arranged by East Village Opera Company.

We’ll see. Stay tuned.

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